My First Week Learning With Basic Coding Challenge

Melody Onyeocha
2 min readJan 15, 2018


Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

There is a common saying that originated from a famous Chinese proverb “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

This was the case for me starting basic coding challenge.

As it is with learning something new, you sometimes get confused in the process of learning. Am not entirely new to learning web development as i have been taking several web courses online from Udacity, Freecodecamp,Codeacademy etc.

Why i started basic coding challenge

One of the reasons i committed to learning with basic coding challenge is to daily increase my knowledge in coding just by committing a minimum of three hours daily i know it can go a long way in improving my skills in web development.

Challenging yourself to code each day is really not easy for me and for so many more people that are new to web development but with the weekly challenges am able to push myself to code knowing that i have a task to complete.

You will meet challenges on the way

During the first week i had to work with different tools in order to complete the challenge for week one (1)

  • Sublime text editor
  • GitHub
  • Git Bash

Like i said before am not entirely new to web development, so am familiar with using sublime text to write codes already but one of the challenges i faced was using GitHub and Git Bash and yeah you guessed right, i haven’t uploaded any website online before so using the command line was a little bit strange to me at first, but hey it wasn’t really that bad and am now getting good at it.

Final notes

Taking the first step is usually the hardest and the most important step to take and for me taking a step to learn with Basic Coding Challenge is a good one and i now have a sense of responsibility that i have to take a step for me to get better.

You too can take that step, it doesn’t matter what you do but by committing at least three (3) hours daily on it can transform you life forever.


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Melody Onyeocha
Melody Onyeocha

Written by Melody Onyeocha

A creative designer Ux/Ui designer focused on solving problems around how people use digital products, ensuring users enjoy a great user experience.

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